Network Update//11-17-22

Greetings from Your Network Superintendent

Terry + Susan Bailey

This Thanksgiving I am thankful that God heals all your diseases (Psalm 103:3). Jesus Christ not only died on the cross for your sins, but was beaten with stripes so that you could receive divine healing. The Bible says, “But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5). Susan was supernaturally healed of melanoma cancer in 2005. I rejoice every time I hear her tell her story.

Our churches should be places of healing and hope. Jesus is our healer, so let’s pray and believe God. The book of James teaches, “Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven” (James 5:14-15).

Pray and believe for the supernatural power of God to heal. Leave the results in God’s hand and trust completely in Him. I don’t have all the answers to why some receive healing on this side of glory and why others receive their ultimate healing in heaven. Neither do you. Don’t condemn or judge others about their level of faith or the lack thereof. 

Have faith in God for healing of your body, mind, and spirit. Emotional healing is also available for depression, anxiety, and fear. You are deeply loved, greatly appreciated, and highly valued as a TNAG minister.

Remember to Renew your credentials for 2023 today!

Your Superintendent,

Terry Bailey


Intercessory Prayer Needs

Vada Allen, Linda Barritt, Herman Bruce, Billie Campbell, Virginia Chapman, Lynn Cooper, Gaylon & Mary Echols, Gary Ferrell, Sherry Fisher, Noble & Barbara Gammon, Pastor Johnny Garren, Tom & Shauna Gifford, Annette Graham, Julie Headley, Roger Helle, Nancy Kiestler, Wanda Kramer, Jimmy & Louise Lee, Ronnie & Melba Mackey, Pastor Billy & Pam Meek, Pastor Louie & Linda Montoya, Oteen Payne, Sheri Ray, Pastor Larry Rose, Rebecca Sample, Easton Schiller, John Smith, Charles & Sandra Stephens, Ruth Taylor, Tommy & Mary Trumbo, Mary Turley, Doak & Mildred Turner, Robert Vaughan, and Larry Vine.

Vada Allen, Linda Barritt, Herman Bruce, Billie Campbell, Virginia Chapman, Lynn Cooper, Gaylon & Mary Echols, Gary Ferrell, Sherry Fisher, Noble & Barbara Gammon, Pastor Johnny Garren, Tom & Shauna Gifford, Annette Graham, Julie Headley, Roger Helle, Nancy Kiestler, Wanda Kramer, Jimmy & Louise Lee, Ronnie & Melba Mackey, Pastor Billy & Pam Meek, Pastor Louie & Linda Montoya, Oteen Payne, Sheri Ray, Pastor Larry Rose, Rebecca Sample, Easton Schiller, John Smith, Charles & Sandra Stephens, Ruth Taylor, Tommy & Mary Trumbo, Mary Turley, Doak & Mildred Turner, Robert Vaughan, and Larry Vine.

  • Russian invasion of Ukraine

  • Pastor Marvin Neill – heart surgery

  • Doak Turner – hospital

  • Herman Bruce - hospital

    Celebration of Life

    Ann Nivens, mother of Jacquie Cartledge and Janie Cook, has gone home to be with the Lord. Visitation will be Friday, November 25, 4:00 – 7:00 pm at Speck’s Funeral Home in Livingston, TN. Service will be Saturday, November 26 at 11:00 am. Brother and Sister Nivens were a great blessing, ministering in the Tennessee District for many years.



Article Pick of the Week:

Worship Pick of the Week:


November 20th is Aging Ministers Day. English and Spanish Promotional pieces available here.


Network Update// 12/1/2022


Network Update//11-10-22