TN Ministry Network
The Assemblies of God offers three different levels of credentials to those who are called of God into a life of ministry and service: Certified, Licensed, and Ordained.
How it works
All first time credential candidates must submit a pre-application questionnaire to the TNMN credentialing office and it must be approved by your sectional Presbyter and your Pastor prior to officially starting the application process.
Once the pre-application questionnaire is received, next steps will be communicated.
Credential Requirements
The following qualifications are required for all credential applicants:
Personal Experience
A testimony of accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, a confirmation of being “born-again”. (John 3:5).
Water Baptism
Affirmation of having been baptized in water by immersion. (Matthew 28:19).
Baptism in the Holy Spirit
A testimony as to having experienced the Baptism in the Holy Spirit with the initial physical evidence of speaking in other tongues according to Acts 2:4.
Evidence of Divine Call
Clear evidence of a divine call to the ministry that is:
Evidenced by a personal conviction
Confirmed by the work of the Spirit
Affirmed by the testimony of fellow ministers
Christian Character
A blameless Christian life and a good report evidenced and witnessed by believers and unbelievers. (Titus 1:7; I Timothy 3:7).
Lifestyle Choices
All applicants must state a willingness to abstain from using tobacco, alcohol, illegal or recreational drugs in any form, and involvement with pornography or gambling.
Doctrinal Stance
An understanding and agreement with the Assemblies of God doctrinal position as defined in the Assembly of God Statement of 16 Fundamental Truths.
Commitment to the Fellowship
An active commitment to the Assemblies of God constitutional directives evidenced by a cooperative spirit.
The General Council Bylaws (Article VII, Section 2, paragraph h) indicate that formal academic achievement is not a requirement for credentials; however, credentials applicants must meet the following criteria:
Successfully complete equivalent coursework to that referenced in paragraph “2” below either in an endorsed Assemblies of God postsecondary school, or in a seminary, college, Bible college, district school of ministry, or school approved by the district credentials committee; or
Successfully complete courses, prescribed by the General Presbytery, offered in correspondence through Global University—Berean School of the Bible (see list as follows).
For applicants who completed coursework at an endorsed Assemblies of God college as a biblical studies major, ministerial studies major, or other church-related major as defined by the Commission on Christian Higher Education (which includes a course on Assemblies of God History, Missions and Governance), the following apply:
Certified Minister — 2 years of coursework (~ 48hrs.)
Licensed Minister — 3 years of coursework (~ 72hrs.)
Ordained Minister — 4 years of coursework (~ 96hrs.)
For applicants who completed coursework at an endorsed Assemblies of God college in a non-biblical studies or non-ministry related major, a transcript evaluation will be employed to determine what classes can be considered educational equivalents for coursework as noted in the list which follows.
*Please note, if you are applying for a License Credential, all of the Certified courses must also be completed. In the same way, for Ordination all License and Certified courses must be completed.
Credential Minister Exams
Exams Needed
Certified Level: Bible Knowledge & Doctrine
Licensed & Ordained Levels: Bible Knowledge, Doctrine, & Polity
Note: You will need the zoom link, internet access and a computer device with a camera to take your exams. If you are missing any of these items, please notify us to discuss next steps.
If you have any questions about this process, please don’t hesitate to call us and speak to those serving in our credentialing office.
By action of their respective deliberative bodies, ministers are expected to give financial support to the Tennessee Ministry Network and the General Council of the Assemblies of God.
Tennessee Ministry Network Bylaws:
TNAGMN Support. The TNAGMN treasury shall be supported by the ministerial dues which shall be equal to 9 percent of their ministerial income, which shall be defined as salary and housing allowance. The minimum support of all ministers shall be $60.00 per month. Exemptions to this minimum requirement will be available to full-time ministerial students and credentialed spouses who have no income.
General Council Bylaws Article VII. Ministry, Section 10. f.
Support of Headquarters. The work of The General Council of the Assemblies of God, in its program of developing the spirit of cooperation and fellowship in U.S. and world missions fields, incurs considerable expense, including the financial support of the executive officers and offices.
The required minimum is:
Ordained – $25 per month ($300 per year)
Licensed – $20 per month ($240 per year)
Certified – $10 per month ($120 per year)
Compliance with the above requirements shall be a prerequisite for renewal of credentials of all active ministers. If their contributions are in arrears, they shall be given opportunity to meet this deficit with their renewal.
Ready to start the application process?
Nick Serban III
Executive Secretary
Rachel Perez
Executive Assistant - Credentialing Office

Need a Few More Classes?
It's time for Credential Renewals! Please consider renewing through the online system available to you here.
Please ensure all questions are answered accurately. You will also need to sign the renewal form and send it to the Network Office with the $10 Network renewal fee.
Please note: You will be required to pay the balance of your General Council and Tennessee Ministry Network ministerial dues at the time of your renewal.