Network Update// 12/1/2022

Greetings from Your Network Superintendent

Terry + Susan Bailey

God redeems your life from destruction (Psalm 103:4). As a believer, you have a divine protection plan operating in your life. God often steps in and rescues you in times of danger. Only heaven will reveal the many times your life and your loved ones were protected by angels unaware. You can choose to remove yourself from God’s umbrella of protection by acting presumptuously and making foolish decisions.

The Psalmist wrote, “Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler And from the perilous pestilence. He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler. You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, Nor of the arrow that flies by day, Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, Nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday…For He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up, Lest you dash your foot against a stone” (Psalm 91:3-6, 11-12).

One more reminder: renew your credentials before they expire December 31. The TNAG umbrella of protection cannot protect you from late fees that go into effect on January 1. Love and appreciate you much!

Your Superintendent,

Terry Bailey


Intercessory Prayer Needs

Vada Allen, Linda Barritt, Herman Bruce, Billie Campbell, Virginia Chapman, Lynn Cooper, John & Deana DeSanctis, Gaylon & Mary Echols, Gary Ferrell, Sherry Fisher, Noble & Barbara Gammon, Pastor Johnny Garren, Tom & Shauna Gifford, Annette Graham, Julie Headley, Roger Helle, Nancy Kiestler, Wanda Kramer, Jimmy & Louise Lee, Ronnie & Melba Mackey, Pastor Billy & Pam Meek, Pastor Louie & Linda Montoya, Oteen Payne, Sheri Ray, Pastor Larry Rose, Rebecca Sample, Easton Schiller, John Smith, Charles & Sandra Stephens, Ruth Taylor, Tommy & Mary Trumbo, Mary Turley, Doak & Mildred Turner, Robert Vaughan, and Larry Vine.

Vada Allen, Linda Barritt, Herman Bruce, Billie Campbell, Virginia Chapman, Lynn Cooper, John & Deana DeSanctis, Gaylon & Mary Echols, Gary Ferrell, Sherry Fisher, Noble & Barbara Gammon, Pastor Johnny Garren, Tom & Shauna Gifford, Annette Graham, Julie Headley, Roger Helle, Nancy Kiestler, Wanda Kramer, Jimmy & Louise Lee, Ronnie & Melba Mackey, Pastor Billy & Pam Meek, Pastor Louie & Linda Montoya, Oteen Payne, Sheri Ray, Pastor Larry Rose, Rebecca Sample, Easton Schiller, John Smith, Charles & Sandra Stephens, Ruth Taylor, Tommy & Mary Trumbo, Mary Turley, Doak & Mildred Turner, Robert Vaughan, and Larry Vine.

  • Russian invasion of Ukraine

  • Pastor David Cross - hospital

  • Pastor Gary Rose

  • Carol Serban

  • Haley Kirkpatrick

  • Norm Lestarjette

  • Pastor Marvin Neill

  • Doak Turner



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Worship Pick of the Week:



Network Update// 12/8/2022


Network Update//11-17-22