Have the meeting minutes prepared immediately after the meeting. Send a copy to the sectional presbyter within one week after an Advisory Council meeting.
The Network secretary-treasurer and sectional presbyter receive the Monthly Report, Balance Sheet, and Profit and Loss Statement.
Complete the ACMR at year’s-end, and return it to the addresses indicated. Forward an additional copy to your presbyter.
Complete and submit to your presbyter before the time of the Annual Ministry Review.
All current requirements for insurance coverage of District Affiliated Churches are found in the appendices. Coverage must include general liability, worker’s compensation, vehicle coverage, and also youth/children’s activities.
Please detail information pertinent to each vehicle owned by the church.
Our district and insurance require that each church implement the risk management program, the provisions of which are set forth herein.
Proposed additions or deletions to the Advisory Council are to be made on the appropriate forms in this Policy Manual.
Monthly, the treasurer of the church is to send to the Tennessee Ministry Network funds in the amount of three percent (3%) of the general fund income.
This church is encouraged to give to World and U.S. Missions, to plant and strengthen other Assemblies of God churches within the Network and the World.
This church shall cause a copy of its important corporate records to be kept on file at the Tennessee Ministry Network office. Such records shall include, but not be limited to, the current:
a. Articles of Incorporation
b. Annual Financial Report
c. Copies of property deeds with Tennessee District name on deeds
d. Copies of all property tax bills
e. Completed Annual Church Ministries Report (ACMR) required by General Council
f. Copies of Insurance Coverage
The pastor is responsible to know and implement all current Tennessee mandated requirements for District Affiliated Churches, including the most current Tennessee Ministry Network Bylaws.
File Your Report Online
For the fastest easiest way to send in your reports is using the Online Form. If you have questions or need help setting this up please contact us.