TN Ministry Network
The Assemblies of God offers three different levels of credentials to those who are called of God into a life of ministry and service: Certified, Licensed, and Ordained.
If you are interested in becoming credentialed with the Assemblies of God and you are a resident of Tennessee the following flowchart will help you become acclimated to the requirements and process through which you will need to proceed.
Below is a comprehensive list of educational requirements for each level of credentials. These classes can be completed through Global University's Berean School of the Bible, or the Tennessee School of Ministry.
Transferring Educational Requirements?
If you are interested in transferring educational requirements from another educational institution please contact us so we can help you facilitate the transfer process.
Certified (Level 1)
Current Course Requirements
Synoptic Gospel
Introduction To Pentecostal Doctrine
Prison Epistles
Introduction To Hermeneutics
The Local Church In Evangelism
AG History, Missions Governance
Relationships & Ethics in Ministry
A Spirit Empowered Church
Certified Internship
Licensed (Level 2)
Current Course Requirements
Intro. To Theology
New Testament Survey
Old Testament Survey
Introduction To Homiletics
Effective Leadership
Introduction To AG Missions
Conflict Management for Leader
Licensed Internship
Ordained (Level 3)
Current Course Requirements
Prayer and Worship
The Corinthian
The Poetic Books
Preaching in the Contemporary World
Church Admin. Law and Finance
Pastoral Ministry
Ordained Internship
Start the Application Process
Need a Few More Classes?
It's time for Credential Renewals! Please consider renewing NOW that the online system is available to you by clicking the following link:
Hard copies will be mailed to you during the early part of November. Be sure all questions are answered correctly; your renewal form is signed and is sent to the Network Office with the $10 Network renewal fee. Also, be prepared to pay the balance of your General Council and Tennessee Ministry Network ministerial dues at the time of your renewal.
A great feature to take advantage of is the ability to have a photo on your fellowship card.
You may upload your picture and have the choice of including it with your listing in the online Ministers Directory and/or on your Fellowship renewal card!
Now is the time to swap out a more current picture if you already have one being used at
As a reminder, the Network Deadline for credential renewals is December 15th, but if you submit your renewal before December 1st, you will be entered in a drawing to win a newly released APPLE WATCH ULTRA SERIES 8.
Want to avoid a hardship at the end of the year? Use your debit or credit card option to make secured automatic monthly contributions to pay minister dues and avoid having to pay them in a lump sum at the end of the year.
If you are ready to set up these transactions, please visit the Giving Page.
Click on the "Give Online" option.
Select the “Minister's Dues” purpose
Enter the amount corresponding; Tennessee Ministry Network requires dues from our ministers that equal 9% of your ministerial income (salary and housing). For ministers that are secularly employed, a minimum of $60 a month is required