Network Update//10-20-2022
Greetings from Your Network Superintendent
We want ZERO unhealthy churches and ministries in the Tennessee Ministry Network. Your participation in the Acts 2 Journey. Paul to Timothy Mentoring, E4 Leadership Forum, TSOM+, and advancing to Ordination can sharpen your ministry skills so that you can more effectively lead your church/ministry into a greater place of health in 2023.
Carefully consider the following regarding your church/ministry:
Why does your church/ministry exist? (Mission)
Where is your church/ministry going? (Vision)
How should your church/ministry behave? (Values)
How will your church/ministry get there? (Strategic Plan)
How will your church/ministry engage new people? (Evangelism/Go)
How will your church/ministry treat them when they arrive? (Fellowship/Connect)
How will your church/ministry disciple them? (Discipleship/Grow)
How will your church/ministry train them to serve? (Ministry/Serve)
How will your church/ministry involve them in local and global missions and church planting? (Go)
How will your church/ministry help them to encounter God? (Worship)
We believe in you. You can move forward into a greater 2023.
Love and appreciate you much!
Upcoming Events:
Intercessory Prayer Needs
Vada Allen, Linda Barritt, Herman Bruce, Glenn Burks, Billie Campbell, Virginia Chapman, Lynn Cooper, Gaylon & Mary Echols, Gary Ferrell, Sherry Fisher, Noble & Barbara Gammon, Pastor Johnny Garren, Tom & Shauna Gifford, Julie Headley, Roger Helle, Nancy Kiestler, Wanda Kramer, Jimmy & Louise Lee, Ronnie & Melba Mackey, Pastor Billy & Pam Meek, Pastor Louie & Linda Montoya, Oteen Payne, Sheri Ray, Pastor Clyde Rose, Pastor Larry Rose, Rebecca Sample, Easton Schiller, John Smith, Charles & Sandra Stephens, Ruth Taylor, Tommy & Mary Trumbo, Mary Turley, Doak & Mildred Turner, Robert Vaughan, and Larry & Carol Vine
Vada Allen, Linda Barritt, Herman Bruce, Glenn Burks, Billie Campbell, Virginia Chapman, Lynn Cooper, Gaylon & Mary Echols, Gary Ferrell, Sherry Fisher, Noble & Barbara Gammon, Pastor Johnny Garren, Tom & Shauna Gifford, Julie Headley, Roger Helle, Nancy Kiestler, Wanda Kramer, Jimmy & Louise Lee, Ronnie & Melba Mackey, Pastor Billy & Pam Meek, Pastor Louie & Linda Montoya, Oteen Payne, Sheri Ray, Pastor Clyde Rose, Pastor Larry Rose, Rebecca Sample, Easton Schiller, John Smith, Charles & Sandra Stephens, Ruth Taylor, Tommy & Mary Trumbo, Mary Turley, Doak & Mildred Turner, Robert Vaughan, and Larry & Carol Vine
Russian invasion of Ukraine
Carol Vine
Doak Turner - Hospital
Jimmy Lee