Network Update—05/16/2024
Scientist Isaac Newton said, "I can take my telescope and look millions of miles into space, but I can lay my telescope aside, get down on my knees in earnest prayer and see more of heaven and get closer to God than I can when assisted by all the telescopes and material agencies on earth."
Pray in agreement with me:
Father, Your Word says one person can put a thousand to flight and two can chase off ten thousand. Today we lift up the marriages of our pastors, ministers, friends as well as ours. We can become so busy with our assignments, that we neglect the needs and attention of the spouse assigned to us. Strengthen the hedge of protection around my marriage and family. Whisper peace into my relationships, ministry, workplace, and business. No evil shall come near to my dwelling place or my marriage. Cause my relationships to work in perfect harmony with You today. Break any unhealthy patterns in our relationship, guard our thoughts and words, and fill us with new levels of passion and zeal for each other and your calling upon us as a couple. Remove every hindrance from the divinely ordained intimacy and unity You intend for our relationship. In Jesus’s mighty, marvelous, majestic and matchless name, amen!
Love and appreciate you!
On the first day of Network Council, we had a wonderful time of prayer and intercession for each AGWM global region. Many have asked our staff for access to the video graphics that were used for this time of prayer. Here is a link where you can download and use these videos:
Article Pick of the Week:
Planning now for Pastoral Transition