Network Update—04/18/2024

I am looking forward to seeing you soon as we gather at Hope Church in Algood, Tennessee for Council 99 of the Tennessee Ministry Network. This year you will have 2 different opportunities to partner financially with our Network. 

One of the first ways that your church can partner with us this year, is through our Missionary Care Fund. With attrition and mental health being some of the leading causes of missionaries leaving the field, you’re giving helps fund our missionary care initiatives and team.  With your support, we can also help fund powerful promotional videos that make our missionaries even more effective in raising support across the nation. As we support and lift the arms of our missionaries, we can help them advance the kingdom and increase their effectiveness in sharing the gospel around the world.

The second opportunity to financially partner with us is through the Jackson Conference Center fund. For generations the Jackson Conference Center has been one of the greatest tools we have as a network to raise up students to be spirit empowered believers.  As young lives continue to be impacted, we need churches to partner with us as we continue to renovate, upgrade and improve our facilities. Investing in the next generation starts with Jackson conference Center.

It would be wonderful to see each of our churches give $500 to the Missionary Care Fund and $500 to the JCC Fund. I would also encourage our individual ministers to give $100 to the Missionary Care Fund and $100 to the JCC Fund. Thank you for your generosity towards both giving initiatives, as we continue to fund the work of the Kingdom in Tennessee and around the world.

Onsite registration will be available; however, we encourage you to take time to register online for a reduced cost. Online registration will be available until April 24th. If you need help with registration, please contact our administrative team for assistance. 

Join Pastor Todd for Investment Basics, the first installment of our Financial Masterclass Series with AG Financial.

This monthly series offers a comprehensive journey through financial education, tailored for ministry leaders. Grow in your knowledge and understanding of finances with expert insights and engage in our Q&A session to explore your questions further.

Click this link below and let us know you want to take part in order to get the zoom link information.

Promote Camp Work Week scheduled for next week. Contact Jeremy Poole at (931) 626-4448 and let him know when your team is coming. Bring your volunteers! Your labor of love is investing into our greatest asset - youth and kids!



Article Pick of the Week:


(Ask them how their vacation is going)

Worship Pick of the Week:



Network Update—04/25/2024


Network Update—04/04/2024