Network Update// 06/01/2023

Greetings from TNMN Superintendent, Terry Bailey!

“So when the centurion and those with him, who were guarding Jesus, saw the earthquake and the things that had happened, they feared greatly, saying, “Truly this was the Son of God!” (Matthew 27.54 NKJV)


The centurion and guards had been witnesses to other people previously being put to death; however, the events surrounding the crucifixion of Jesus convinced them that Jesus was really the Son of God. The sky became dark from noon until 3:00 o’clock in the afternoon. Jesus cried out, “my God, my God, why have you forsaken and left me alone?” When Jesus died, the sacred curtain in the Temple that covered the Holy of Holies tore from top to bottom.  There was even a dramatic earthquake which resulted in dead saints being raised and they were seen by many.


Jesus is referred to as the “Son of God” 37 times in the New Testament. The sonship of Jesus Christ speaks of His equality with the Father. He is more than a prophet or teacher. Jesus is divine, above all things, the Eternal Son of God.


Sometimes it takes dramatic events to cause someone to acknowledge that Jesus is the Son of God. For Saul of Tarsus, who was severely persecuting the Early Church, it took a divine encounter on the road to Damascus. A blinding light and a voice from heaven saying, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” brought about Saul’s conversion.


Today’s Challenge:

  1. God uses many ways to bring a person to Christ.

  2. Describe your story and how you believe that Jesus is the Son of God.

  3. Talk with someone today about Jesus, the Son of God.

Intercessory Prayer Needs

Vada Allen, Jackie Ashpole, Linda Barritt, Pastor Bob Brown, Virginia Chapman, Lynn Cooper, Gaylon & Mary Echols, Pastor Bill Enfinger, Gary Ferrell, Sherry Fisher, Pastor Johnny & Cindy Garren, Charlie & Annette Graham, Christie Griffith, Tom Hagan, Julie Headley, Sharon Jones, Nancy Kiestler, Wanda Kramer, Jimmy & Louise Lee, Mildred McNatt, Pam Meek, Pastor Louie & Linda Montoya, Pastor Marvin & Faye Neill, Oteen Payne, Sheri Ray, Mason Rogers, Larry Rose, Pastor Tim Rose, Rusty & Betty Salyer, Rebecca Sample, Easton Schiller, John Smith, Charles & Sandra Stephens, Ruth Taylor, Tommy & Mary Trumbo, Mary Turley, Mildred Turner, Robert Vaughan, and Larry Vine.

Vada Allen, Jackie Ashpole, Linda Barritt, Pastor Bob Brown, Virginia Chapman, Lynn Cooper, Gaylon & Mary Echols, Pastor Bill Enfinger, Gary Ferrell, Sherry Fisher, Pastor Johnny & Cindy Garren, Charlie & Annette Graham, Christie Griffith, Tom Hagan, Julie Headley, Sharon Jones, Nancy Kiestler, Wanda Kramer, Jimmy & Louise Lee, Mildred McNatt, Pam Meek, Pastor Louie & Linda Montoya, Pastor Marvin & Faye Neill, Oteen Payne, Sheri Ray, Mason Rogers, Larry Rose, Pastor Tim Rose, Rusty & Betty Salyer, Rebecca Sample, Easton Schiller, John Smith, Charles & Sandra Stephens, Ruth Taylor, Tommy & Mary Trumbo, Mary Turley, Mildred Turner, Robert Vaughan, and Larry Vine.

  • Youth Camps @ JCC

  • Carl Miller

  • Jeff Ogg

  • Leslie Moore

  • Pastor Cobby Blaylock

  • Glenn Burks

  • Rose McCullough



Article Pick of the Week:

Worship Pick of the Week:


Network Council 98 Recap


Network Update// 06/08/2023


Network Update// 05/25/2023