Network Update// 12/20/2022

Greetings from Tom Lindberg, Memphis Sectional Presbyter

Dr. Tom Lindberg

I have a member at church who, for a few months, was the acting U.S. Ambassador to the nation of Qatar. What an honor to be an ambassador representing the United States! But there’s a greater honor: being an ambassador for Christ. There are 24 words in the NIV translation of 2 Corinthians 5.20. The first five words are key: “We Are Ambassadors For Christ.” What an awesome privilege! As pastors, we are sent from heaven to this land called Earth to be Christ’s representatives. Here are four essential marks of an ambassador.

01. An Ambassador’s Citizenship. It’s obvious an ambassador from the United States to another country must be an American citizen. We, too, must have “our citizenship in heaven” (Philippians 3.20). We must be born-again. We must think like a citizen of heaven, not like a citizen of earth. That’s where it all begins.

02. An Ambassador’s Character. A U.S. Ambassador must strive to be above reproach. Should an ambassador for the King of Kings be any less? We should possess the highest moral qualities and our reputation should be sterling. That’s why Paul told Timothy to guard himself at all times.

03. An Ambassador’s Communication. Effective ambassadors have mastered the art of communication. They are in daily contact with the State Department. No U.S. Ambassador would ever spout off and give his personal opinions on matters of national importance. You and I must stay in daily contact with headquarters and communicate God’s wishes, plans, and desires, not our own.

04. An Ambassador’s Conduct. A U.S. Ambassador must have total loyalty to the country they represent. The same holds true for all of us who are ambassadors for Christ.

Ambassadors have developed the art of diplomacy. They are truthful, but they are not abrasive. Remember this; whenever you are abrasive, you are no longer persuasive. As Christ’s ambassadors, we must be winsome to and welcoming of people from all walks of life. In fact, the Bible says we are to be “the fragrance of Christ” to those around us (2 Corinthians 2.15).

What an honor to be an Ambassador for Christ! Let’s represent our Savior well. One day you’ll be greatly rewarded for a job well done. I guarantee it!!

Dr. Tom Lindberg


Intercessory Prayer Needs

Vada Allen, Linda Barritt, Billie Campbell, Virginia Chapman, Lynn Cooper, John & Deana DeSanctis, Gaylon & Mary Echols, Gary Ferrell, Sherry Fisher, Noble & Barbara Gammon, Pastor Johnny Garren, Tom & Shauna Gifford, Annette Graham, Julie Headley, Roger Helle, Nancy Kiestler, Wanda Kramer, Jimmy & Louise Lee, Ronnie & Melba Mackey, Billy & Pam Meek, Pastor Louie & Linda Montoya, Pastor Marvin Neill, Oteen Payne, Sheri Ray, Pastor Larry Rose, Rebecca Sample, Easton Schiller, John Smith, Charles & Sandra Stephens, Ruth Taylor, Tommy & Mary Trumbo, Mary Turley, Doak & Mildred Turner, Robert Vaughan, and Larry Vine.

Vada Allen, Linda Barritt, Billie Campbell, Virginia Chapman, Lynn Cooper, John & Deana DeSanctis, Gaylon & Mary Echols, Gary Ferrell, Sherry Fisher, Noble & Barbara Gammon, Pastor Johnny Garren, Tom & Shauna Gifford, Annette Graham, Julie Headley, Roger Helle, Nancy Kiestler, Wanda Kramer, Jimmy & Louise Lee, Ronnie & Melba Mackey, Billy & Pam Meek, Pastor Louie & Linda Montoya, Pastor Marvin Neill, Oteen Payne, Sheri Ray, Pastor Larry Rose, Rebecca Sample, Easton Schiller, John Smith, Charles & Sandra Stephens, Ruth Taylor, Tommy & Mary Trumbo, Mary Turley, Doak & Mildred Turner, Robert Vaughan, and Larry Vine.

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  • Jason and Brittney Curtis are preparing to induce labor on December 26. Baby Aya Grace has been diagnosed with a complex congenital heart defect. For those who are interested in following her journey, all prayer and medical updates will be available at

  • Serban family

  • Haley Kirkpatrick

  • Pastor David Cross

  • Pastor Gary Rose



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